Hi, I’m Justin and I consider myself to be a certified Cord Cutter.

No, I’m not talking about ditching cable tv in favour of the internet – though I am guilty of this too.
I mean that I’m a huge believer in cordless tools and the convenience they offer – no fumes, no cords, and plenty of power!
Bottom line: Cordless tools are the future.
Sure the “tech” ain’t perfect yet, but in the not-so-distant future, I don’t see many people complaining about the shortcomings that we might see today.
And as battery technology continues to improve, I don’t believe manufacturers will produce corded versions anymore. Whether or not I’m right is yet to be seen, but I do believe it to be true.
So, What’s the Problem?
Every time I went to research my next cordless purchase, it felt like I was staring into the abyss of nothingness.
I knew it was going to take a huge deal of effort to gather the intel I needed to make an informed buying decision.
I’m talking hours of reading/watching reviews, going through the various tool specs, putting spreadsheet comparisons together, and of course, all while trying to find the absolute BEST deal I could.
There had to be a better way!
? Side note: I actually don’t mind researching the tools, in fact, I find it interesting. But I realize most people don’t have the same amount of time or willingness. So if gathering the information was difficult and confusing for me, I could only imagine what it was like for other people.

Enter, CordCutter.tools
Out of sheer frustration and the overwhelming amount of marketing information out there, I decided to put together, what I felt, could be a resource to really help my fellow Cord Cutters.
The concept is simple: Get the most important information, in front of you, as quickly as possible!
Cord Cutter runs on these (working) principles:
- Present all of the information (as accurately as possible)
- Make sure the data presented is concise and easy-to-digest
- Save the site visitor potentially hours of time researching
- Continue to over deliver on value and build trust
We are continually moving into a world where what’s best for the consumer is not always in alignment with the interests of those promoting or making profits from said consumer.
I intend to change that paradigm by over delivering on value and making sure you have the information you need so that you can make an informed buying decision.
If you come across this site, I hope that I can be a beacon of truth for you and provide some clarity in the world of buying and comparing cordless tools.
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. – You can contact me here if you need to.